
Sets a panel's text. If the panel has text methods (SetText, SetFont, etc.) it will use those. Otherwise, this class will directly apply the text through the panel's Paint function.


String text Self explanatory

(Optional) String font Font which the text will use

(Optional) Color col Color of the text

(Optional) Number alignment Alignment of the text, uses TEXT_ALIGN enums

(Optional) Number ox Pixel offset to apply to the x plane

(Optional) Number oy Pixel offset to apply to the y plane

(Optional) Boolean paint Force the panel to paint the text instead of just set it (panels which support text methods, like labels and buttons)


local pnl = vgui.Create("DPanel")
    :Background(Color(0, 0, 0, 200))
    :Text("Left with an offset", "DermaLarge", Color(0, 255, 0), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, 5)

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